Updated January 03, 2022
\r\n\r\n These Terms of Service (the “Terms”) explain the\r\n agreement you make with {siteConfig.brand} LLC, an Arizona\r\n limited liability company (“{siteConfig.brand}”,\r\n which may hereinafter be referred to as “us,”\r\n “we,” and “our”) when you access our\r\n website at{' '}\r\n \r\n www.{siteConfig.domain}\r\n {' '}\r\n and use the products and services displayed, offered or sold by\r\n {' ' + siteConfig.brand} (collectively the “Site”).\r\n
\r\n\r\n We have attempted to provide clear explanations of our Terms so\r\n that you can decide for yourself whether to use our Site, or\r\n not. If you do not agree to our Terms, you cannot use our Site.\r\n If you have questions or concerns about our Terms, please\r\n contact us by email at:{' '}\r\n \r\n support@{siteConfig.domain}\r\n {' '}\r\n or by postal mail at: {siteConfig.brand} LLC - 2525 E Camelback\r\n Rod STE 810 - Phoenix, AZ 85016\r\n
\r\n\r\n\r\n In addition to providing general information, {siteConfig.brand}{' '}\r\n provides a gateway through which users of our Site can view,\r\n select and purchase certain goods or services (the\r\n “Product” or “Products”) from certain\r\n third party providers (the “Provider” or\r\n “Providers”). {siteConfig.brand} does not represent\r\n or imply that the Site contains a complete or comprehensive list\r\n or choice of all Providers and all Products available at a\r\n particular address. Accordingly, there may be Providers that can\r\n provide you with service at your particular address that do not\r\n appear on this Site and are not listed as a choice for you to\r\n select from. You are in no way obligated to use\r\n {' ' + siteConfig.brand} or the Site to choose your Products or\r\n Providers.\r\n
\r\n\r\n If you do choose to purchase a Product from a Provider through\r\n the Site (the “Order”), you do so under the specific\r\n terms offered by such Provider. You are solely responsible for\r\n ensuring you understand those terms before entering into any\r\n agreements with such Provider. The contractual agreement for\r\n services is between you and the Provider of that Product, not\r\n with {siteConfig.brand}.\r\n
\r\n\r\n If you purchase a Product through the Site, the Provider of that\r\n Product may require us to share certain personal data about you\r\n to complete the Order (see our{' '}\r\n \r\n \r\n Privacy Policy\r\n \r\n {' '}\r\n for an explanation of the personal data we may collect and\r\n share). By using the Site, you grant {siteConfig.brand}{' '}\r\n permission to use and share this personal data with the\r\n applicable Provider as necessary to complete the Order.\r\n
\r\n\r\n Occasionally a Provider may require {siteConfig.brand} to take\r\n additional steps beyond your initial Order before completing the\r\n Order. This may include additional verification procedures,\r\n credit checks and/or security deposits, as required by the\r\n applicable Provider. In the event such additional steps are\r\n required, we will notify you via email and you may be asked to\r\n agree to additional terms and conditions.\r\n
\r\n\r\n Once your Order is processed, the applicable Provider will\r\n communicate with you directly. {siteConfig.brand} will not have\r\n access to your Provider account after it has been established.\r\n You are solely responsible for any payments due under your\r\n agreement with the Provider, as well as terminating any prior\r\n accounts that are being replaced or are no longer needed.\r\n
\r\n\r\n You acknowledge and agree that {siteConfig.brand} is acting as\r\n an intermediary only and is not a party to any transaction\r\n between you and any Provider and that interacting with any\r\n Provider accessed through the Site is done so at your own risk.\r\n Accordingly, {siteConfig.brand} assumes no responsibility and\r\n will have no liability of any kind whatsoever in respect to your\r\n dealings with any Provider including with regards to fitness for\r\n a particular purpose, delivery, payments, notices, disagreements\r\n and the proper and timely delivery of goods or services.{' '}\r\n {siteConfig.brand} in no way endorses, recommends, and/or bears\r\n any responsibility or liability for any products, services or\r\n statements made by any Provider. Statements and opinions of\r\n Providers are not necessarily those of {siteConfig.brand} or its\r\n business partners.\r\n
\r\n\r\n {siteConfig.brand} is not liable for the accuracy or delivery of\r\n any Provider bill or billing statements. Any discrepancies or\r\n disputes regarding the accuracy of any bill or billing statement\r\n must be addressed with the issuing Provider directly. You are\r\n responsible for ensuring timely payment of all bills or billing\r\n statements.\r\n
\r\n\r\n {siteConfig.brand} assumes no responsibility, and will not be\r\n liable, for your failure to take any action or inaction with\r\n respect to any Provider account or your failure to receive any\r\n information with respect to any Provider account.\r\n
\r\n\r\n These Terms do not alter any liability or obligations that exist\r\n between you and the Provider. You agree that your relationship\r\n with the Provider is governed solely by the agreement between\r\n you and the Provider.\r\n
\r\n\r\n Whenever you order or purchase a Product through this Site you\r\n are warranting to us and the applicable Provider that you are at\r\n least 18 years of age and possess the legal authority to enter\r\n into a legally binding contract for the Product in accordance\r\n with all terms and conditions herein and as set forth by the\r\n Provider. You agree to be financially responsible for your use\r\n of and all transactions made in connection with Products ordered\r\n or purchased through this Site. You agree that you will be\r\n solely responsible for all charges, fees, duties, taxes, and\r\n assessments arising out of the purchases and orders you make\r\n through this site.\r\n
\r\n\r\n You agree to provide truthful and complete information when\r\n using the Site. If you are using the Site on behalf of someone\r\n other than yourself, you represent that you are authorized to\r\n act for and bind that other person. If you are using the Site on\r\n behalf of any entity, you represent that you are authorized to\r\n act on the entity’s behalf and that the entity agrees to\r\n be responsible to us if you or the entity violates these Terms.\r\n
\r\n\r\n When you provide personal information, or otherwise use the\r\n Site, you represent and warrant that your use:\r\n
\r\n\r\n As long as you comply with these Terms, {siteConfig.brand}{' '}\r\n grants you a personal, non-exclusive, non-transferable, limited\r\n privilege to enter and use the Site. This limited privilege is\r\n only so you may use and enjoy the benefit of the Site as\r\n provided by {siteConfig.brand}. You may not use the Site in any\r\n manner which could damage, disable, overburden, or impair the\r\n Site or interfere with any other users use and enjoyment of the\r\n Site. You may not obtain or attempt to obtain any materials or\r\n information through any means not intentionally made available\r\n or provided for through the Site. This license is revocable at\r\n will and may be terminated by {siteConfig.brand} without notice\r\n to you.\r\n
\r\n\r\n {siteConfig.brand} does not warrant that information, graphic\r\n depictions, product and service descriptions or other content of\r\n the Site is accurate, complete, reliable, updated, current, or\r\n error-free. Despite our efforts, it is possible that a price for\r\n a product or service offered on the Site may be inaccurate or\r\n the product or service description may contain an inaccuracy. In\r\n the event {siteConfig.brand + ' '}\r\n determines that a product or service contains an inaccurate\r\n price or description, {siteConfig.brand} reserves the right to\r\n take any action it deems reasonable and necessary, in its sole\r\n discretion, to rectify the error, including without limitation\r\n canceling your order, unless prohibited by law.{' '}\r\n {siteConfig.brand} may make improvements or changes to any of\r\n its content, information, products, services, or programs\r\n described on the Site at any time without notice. You agree to\r\n notify {siteConfig.brand} immediately if you become aware of any\r\n pricing or descriptive errors or inconsistencies with any\r\n products or services you order through the Site and comply with\r\n any corrective action taken by {siteConfig.brand}.\r\n
\r\n\r\n Nothing on the Site is an offer or promise by {siteConfig.brand}{' '}\r\n to sell a specific product for a specific price or that any\r\n Provider will sell any product or service for any purpose or\r\n price or on any specific terms.\r\n
\r\n\r\n By using the Site, you are agreeing to the electronic delivery\r\n of all documents, disclosures, agreements, statements, and\r\n notices that we, or any Product Provider, are required by law to\r\n give you. You are further agreeing that information provided to\r\n you in this manner will satisfy all legal requirements that\r\n communications be in writing. All communications will be deemed\r\n delivered and effective when sent to the email address\r\n associated with your use of Site or when posted publicly on the\r\n Site.\r\n
\r\n\r\n In using our Site, you may view content provided by third\r\n parties, including outbound links to web pages of such parties.{' '}\r\n {siteConfig.brand + ' '}\r\n cannot and does not guarantee, represent or warrant that this\r\n third party content is accurate, up to date, legal, safe to open\r\n or inoffensive so your viewing of, reliance on, or use of such\r\n content is done so at your own risk.\r\n
\r\n\r\n The Site contains outbound links to websites that are not owned\r\n or operated by {siteConfig.brand} and are subject to different\r\n terms and conditions. If you follow the outbound links, you will\r\n be legally bound by the terms and conditions of the websites to\r\n which they lead. Outbound links are provided solely for\r\n your convenience and do not imply any affiliation with, or\r\n endorsement of, those websites and {siteConfig.brand} makes no\r\n representations whatsoever concerning the accuracy of their\r\n content, or any products or services they may offer. You are\r\n solely responsible for determining the safety of these websites,\r\n and extent to which you interact or use them.\r\n
\r\n\r\n You are granted a limited, nonexclusive right to create a link\r\n to the Site provided that such link is to{' '}\r\n \r\n www.{siteConfig.domain}\r\n {' '}\r\n only and does not portray {siteConfig.brand} or any of its\r\n products or services in a false, misleading, derogatory, or\r\n otherwise defamatory manner. This limited right may be revoked\r\n by {siteConfig.brand} at any time for any reason whatsoever. You\r\n may not use, frame, or utilize framing techniques to enclose any{' '}\r\n {siteConfig.brand} trademark, logo or trade name or other\r\n proprietary information including the materials found at or on\r\n the Site, the content of any text or the layout/design of any\r\n page of the Site without the express prior written consent of\r\n {' ' + siteConfig.brand} in each instance. In addition, you may\r\n not use any meta-tags or any other \"hidden text\" utilizing a{' '}\r\n {siteConfig.brand} or\r\n {' ' + siteConfig.brand} affiliate name, trademark, or product\r\n name without express written consent from {siteConfig.brand} in\r\n each instance.\r\n
\r\n\r\n All text, graphics, user interfaces, visual interfaces,\r\n photographs, trademarks, logos, and computer code (collectively,\r\n \"Content\"), including but not limited to the design, structure,\r\n selection, coordination, expression, \"look and feel\" and\r\n arrangement of such Content, contained on the Site is owned,\r\n controlled or licensed by or to {siteConfig.brand}, and is\r\n protected by trade dress, copyright, patent and trademark laws,\r\n and various other intellectual property rights and unfair\r\n competition laws.\r\n
\r\n\r\n Except as expressly provided in these Terms, no part of the Site\r\n and no Content may be copied, reproduced, republished, uploaded,\r\n posted, publicly displayed, encoded, translated, transmitted or\r\n distributed in any way (including \"mirroring\") to any other\r\n computer, server, website or other medium for publication or\r\n distribution or for any commercial enterprise, without{' '}\r\n {siteConfig.brand}’s express prior written consent.\r\n
\r\n\r\n You may use information on {siteConfig.brand} products and\r\n services (such as provider terms and specifications, electricity\r\n facts labels, and similar materials) purposely made available by{' '}\r\n {siteConfig.brand} for downloading from the Site, provided that\r\n you (1) not remove any proprietary notice language in all copies\r\n of such documents, (2) use such information only for your\r\n personal, non-commercial informational purpose and do not copy\r\n or post such information on any networked computer or broadcast\r\n it in any media, (3) make no modifications to any such\r\n information, and (4) not make any additional representations or\r\n warranties relating to such documents.\r\n
\r\n\r\n You may not use any \"deep-link\", \"page-scrape\", \"robot\",\r\n \"spider\" or other automatic device, program, algorithm or\r\n methodology, or any similar or equivalent manual process, to\r\n access, acquire, copy or monitor any portion of the Site or any\r\n Content, or in any way reproduce or circumvent the navigational\r\n structure or presentation of the Site or any Content, to obtain\r\n or attempt to obtain any materials, documents or information\r\n through any means not purposely made available through the Site.{' '}\r\n {siteConfig.brand} reserves the right to bar any such activity.\r\n
\r\n\r\n You may not attempt to gain unauthorized access to any portion\r\n or feature of the Site, or any other systems or networks\r\n connected to the Site or to any {siteConfig.brand} server, or to\r\n any of the services offered on or through the Site, by hacking,\r\n password \"mining\" or any other illegitimate means.\r\n
\r\n\r\n You may not probe, scan or test the vulnerability of the Site or\r\n any network connected to the Site, nor breach the security or\r\n authentication measures on the Site or any network connected to\r\n the Site. You may not reverse look-up, trace or seek to trace\r\n any information on any other user of or visitor to the Site, or\r\n any other account not owned by you, to its source, or exploit\r\n the Site or any service or information made available or offered\r\n by or through the Site, in any way where the purpose is to\r\n reveal any information, including but not limited to personal\r\n identification or information, other than your own information,\r\n as provided for by the Site.\r\n
\r\n\r\n You agree that you will not take any action that imposes an\r\n unreasonable or disproportionately large load on the\r\n infrastructure of the Site or {siteConfig.brand}’s systems\r\n or networks, or any systems or networks connected to the Site or\r\n to {siteConfig.brand}.\r\n
\r\n\r\n You agree not to use any device, software or routine to\r\n interfere or attempt to interfere with the proper working of the\r\n Site or any transaction being conducted on the Site, or with any\r\n other person’s use of the Site.\r\n
\r\n\r\n You may not forge headers or otherwise manipulate identifiers in\r\n order to disguise the origin of any message or transmittal you\r\n send to {siteConfig.brand} on or through the Site or any service\r\n offered on or through the Site. You may not pretend that you\r\n are, or that you represent, someone else, or impersonate any\r\n other individual or entity.\r\n
\r\n\r\n You may not use the Site or any Content for any purpose that is\r\n unlawful or prohibited by these Terms, or to solicit the\r\n performance of any illegal activity or other activity which\r\n infringes the rights of {siteConfig.brand} or others.\r\n
\r\n\r\n Certain features or services offered on or through the Site may\r\n require you to open an account (including setting up an{' '}\r\n {siteConfig.brand} ID and password). You are entirely\r\n responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of the\r\n information you hold for your account, including your password,\r\n and for any and all activity that occurs under your account as a\r\n result of your failing to keep this information secure and\r\n confidential. You agree to notify {siteConfig.brand + ' '}\r\n immediately of any unauthorized use of your account or password,\r\n or any other breach of security. You may be held liable for\r\n losses incurred by {siteConfig.brand} or any other user of or\r\n visitor to the Site due to someone else using your{' '}\r\n {siteConfig.brand} ID, password or account as a result of your\r\n failing to keep your account information secure and\r\n confidential.\r\n
\r\n\r\n You may not use anyone else’s {siteConfig.brand} ID,\r\n password or account at any time without the express permission\r\n and consent of the holder of that {siteConfig.brand} ID,\r\n password or account. {siteConfig.brand} cannot and will not be\r\n liable for any loss or damage arising from your failure to\r\n comply with these obligations.\r\n
\r\n\r\n {siteConfig.brand}’s Privacy Policy applies to use of this\r\n Site, and its terms are made a part of these Terms by this\r\n reference. To view\r\n {' ' + siteConfig.brand}’s Privacy Policy,{' '}\r\n \r\n click here\r\n \r\n . Additionally, by using the Site, you acknowledge and agree\r\n that Internet transmissions are never completely private or\r\n secure. You understand that any message or information you send\r\n to the Site may be read or intercepted by others, even if there\r\n is a special notice that a particular transmission (for example,\r\n credit card information) is encrypted.\r\n
\r\n\r\n The above disclaimer applies to any damages, liability or\r\n injuries caused by any failure of performance, error, omission,\r\n interruption, deletion, defect, delay in operation or\r\n transmission, computer virus, communication line failure, theft\r\n or destruction of or unauthorized access to, alteration of, or\r\n use, whether for breach of contract, tort, negligence or any\r\n other cause of action.\r\n
\r\n\r\n {siteConfig.brand} reserves the right to do any of the\r\n following, at any time, without notice: (1) to modify, suspend\r\n or terminate operation of or access to the Site, or any portion\r\n of the Site, for any reason; (2) to modify or change the Site,\r\n or any portion of the Site, and any applicable policies or\r\n terms; and (3) to interrupt the operation of the Site, or any\r\n portion of the Site, as necessary to perform routine or\r\n non-routine maintenance, error correction, or other changes.\r\n
\r\n\r\n {siteConfig.brand} may disclose any information we have about\r\n you (including your identity) if we determine that such\r\n disclosure is necessary in connection with any investigation or\r\n complaint regarding your use of the Site, or to identify,\r\n contact or bring legal action against someone who may be causing\r\n injury to or interference with (either intentionally or\r\n unintentionally) {siteConfig.brand}’s rights or property,\r\n or the rights or property of visitors to or users of the Site.{' '}\r\n {siteConfig.brand} reserves the right at all times to disclose\r\n any information that {siteConfig.brand} deems necessary to\r\n comply with any applicable law, regulation, legal process or\r\n governmental request.\r\n {siteConfig.brand + ' '} also may disclose your information when{' '}\r\n {siteConfig.brand} determines that applicable law requires or\r\n permits such disclosure, including exchanging information with\r\n other companies and organizations for fraud protection purposes.\r\n
\r\n\r\n You acknowledge and agree that {siteConfig.brand} may preserve\r\n any transmittal or communication by you with {siteConfig.brand}{' '}\r\n through the Site or any service offered on or through the Site,\r\n and may also disclose such data if required to do so by law or{' '}\r\n {siteConfig.brand} determines that such preservation or\r\n disclosure is reasonably necessary to (1) comply with legal\r\n process, (2) enforce these Terms of Use, (3) respond to claims\r\n that any such data violates the rights of others, or (4) protect\r\n the rights, property or personal safety of {siteConfig.brand},\r\n its employees, users of or visitors to the Site, and the public.\r\n
\r\n\r\n You agree that {siteConfig.brand} may, in its sole discretion\r\n and without prior notice, terminate your access to the Site\r\n and/or block your future access to the Site if we determine that\r\n you have violated these Terms or other agreements or guidelines\r\n which may be associated with your use of the Site. You also\r\n agree that any violation by you of these Terms will constitute\r\n an unlawful and unfair business practice, and will cause\r\n irreparable harm to\r\n {' ' + siteConfig.brand}, for which monetary damages would be\r\n inadequate, and you consent to {siteConfig.brand} obtaining any\r\n injunctive or equitable relief that {siteConfig.brand} deems\r\n necessary or appropriate in such circumstances. These remedies\r\n are in addition to any other remedies {siteConfig.brand} may\r\n have at law or in equity.\r\n
\r\n\r\n You agree that {siteConfig.brand} may, in its sole discretion\r\n and without prior notice, terminate your access to the Site, for\r\n cause, which includes (but is not limited to) (1) requests by\r\n law enforcement or other government agencies, (2) a request by\r\n you (self-initiated account deletions), (3) discontinuance or\r\n material modification of the Site or any service offered on or\r\n through the Site, or (4) unexpected technical issues or\r\n problems.\r\n
\r\n\r\n If {siteConfig.brand} does take any legal action against you as\r\n a result of your violation of these Terms, {siteConfig.brand}{' '}\r\n will be entitled to recover from you, and you agree to pay, all\r\n reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs of such action, in\r\n addition to any other relief granted to\r\n {' ' + siteConfig.brand}. You agree that {siteConfig.brand} will\r\n not be liable to you or to any third party for termination of\r\n your access to the Site as a result of any violation of these\r\n Terms.\r\n
\r\n\r\n You agree that all matters relating to your access to or use of\r\n the Site, including all disputes, will be governed by the laws\r\n of the United States and by the laws of the State of Arizona\r\n without regard to its conflicts of laws provisions. You agree to\r\n the personal jurisdiction by and venue in the state and federal\r\n courts in Maricopa County, Arizona, and waive any objection to\r\n such jurisdiction or venue.\r\n
\r\n\r\n In the event of any controversy or dispute between{' '}\r\n {siteConfig.brand} and you arising out of or in connection with\r\n your use of the Site, the parties shall attempt, promptly and in\r\n good faith, to resolve any such dispute. To the extent that you\r\n and {siteConfig.brand} are unable to resolve any disputes such\r\n disputes will be submitted to a mediator located in Maricopa\r\n County, Arizona prior to any arbitration or other action. \r\n The mediator’s fees and expenses shall be shared equally\r\n by you and {siteConfig.brand}, who agree to exercise their best\r\n efforts in good faith to resolve all disputes in\r\n mediation. Mediation begins on the date one party sends\r\n written notice to the other requesting mediation and presenting\r\n in the notice the matter to be mediated. Mediation shall\r\n conclude when both parties sign an agreement that resolves the\r\n subject of the mediation. If no agreement is reached\r\n within sixty (60) calendar days after the date of the original\r\n written notice, the mediation is considered unsuccessful. \r\n In the event any dispute cannot be settled by you and{' '}\r\n {siteConfig.brand} informally or through mediation, the matter\r\n in controversy or dispute shall be resolved by binding\r\n confidential private arbitration before a mutually agreeable\r\n arbitrator in Maricopa County, Arizona. In the event the\r\n parties cannot agree on an arbitrator, the presiding judge of\r\n the Superior Court of Maricopa County, Arizona, shall decide who\r\n the arbitrator shall be. The decision of the arbitrator\r\n will be final and binding on the parties to such\r\n proceeding. In any arbitration or other proceeding related\r\n to a dispute, the prevailing party shall be entitled to\r\n reimbursement of such party’s reasonable costs and\r\n attorney’s fees. Otherwise, the arbitrator shall\r\n have the discretion to enter any award permissible under\r\n applicable law, and such award shall be enforceable exclusively\r\n in a state or federal court of competent jurisdiction in\r\n Maricopa County, Arizona. Any claim under these Terms must be\r\n brought within one (1) year after the cause of action arises, or\r\n such claim or cause of action is barred.\r\n
\r\n\r\n Except where prohibited by law, in no event will{' '}\r\n {siteConfig.brand} be liable to you for any indirect,\r\n consequential, exemplary, incidental or punitive damages,\r\n including lost profits, even if {siteConfig.brand} has been\r\n advised of the possibility of such damages.\r\n
\r\n\r\n If, notwithstanding the other provisions of these Terms,{' '}\r\n {siteConfig.brand} is found to be liable to you for any damage\r\n or loss which arises out of or is in any way connected with your\r\n use of the Site or any Content,\r\n {' ' + siteConfig.brand}’s liability shall in no event\r\n exceed the greater of (1) the total of any subscription or\r\n similar fees with respect to any service or feature of or on the\r\n Site paid in the six months prior to the date of the initial\r\n claim made against {siteConfig.brand}, or (2) US$100.00. Some\r\n jurisdictions do not allow limitations of liability, so the\r\n foregoing limitation may not apply to you.\r\n
\r\n\r\n You agree to indemnify and hold {siteConfig.brand}, its\r\n officers, directors, shareholders, predecessors, successors in\r\n interest, employees, agents, subsidiaries and affiliates,\r\n harmless from any demands, loss, liability, claims or expenses\r\n (including attorneys’ fees), made against{' '}\r\n {siteConfig.brand} by any third party due to or arising out of\r\n or in connection with your use of the Site.\r\n
\r\n\r\n {siteConfig.brand} administers and operates the{' '}\r\n \r\n www.\r\n {siteConfig.domain}\r\n {' '}\r\n Site from its location in Phoenix, Arizona USA. Although the\r\n Site is accessible worldwide, not all features, products or\r\n services discussed, referenced, provided or offered through or\r\n on the Site are available to all persons or in all geographic\r\n locations, or appropriate or available for use outside the\r\n United States. {siteConfig.brand + ' '}\r\n reserves the right to limit, in its sole discretion, the\r\n provision and quantity of any feature, product or service to any\r\n person or geographic area. Any offer for any feature, product or\r\n service made on the Site is void where prohibited. If you choose\r\n to access the Site from outside the United States, you do so on\r\n your own initiative and you are solely responsible for complying\r\n with applicable local laws.\r\n
\r\n\r\n {siteConfig.brand} does not knowingly permit copyright\r\n infringing activities on the Site.\r\n
\r\n\r\n If you believe that your copyrighted material may have been\r\n infringed, please provide us with the following information in\r\n writing:\r\n
\r\n\r\n Please be aware that submitting a report of intellectual\r\n property infringement is a serious matter with potential legal\r\n consequences. For example, intentionally submitting a misleading\r\n or fraudulent report may lead to liability for damages under 17\r\n U.S.C. § 512(f), or similar laws in other countries.\r\n
\r\n\r\n Before submitting a notice of infringement, be sure to consider\r\n whether fair use or a similar exception to copyright or\r\n trademark law may apply to the use. If you are unsure whether\r\n the content you are considering reporting infringes your rights,\r\n you may wish to seek legal guidance before submitting a notice\r\n of infringement.\r\n
\r\n\r\n Do not submit a notice of infringement unless you are the owner\r\n of the copyrighted material or trademark that you believe is\r\n being infringed, or an agent authorized to act on the owner's\r\n behalf.\r\n
\r\n\r\n The fastest way for us to process your notification of claimed\r\n infringement is via the{' '}\r\n \r\n online form here\r\n \r\n . The slower method to reach our designated agent and for\r\n processing is to send a proper and complete notification of\r\n claimed infringement to the mailing address listed below.\r\n
\r\n\r\n DCMA Agent Mailing Address:\r\n
{siteConfig.brand} LLC\r\n
Attn: DCMA Agent\r\n
2525 E Camelback Road STE 810\r\n
Phoenix, AZ 85016\r\n
\r\n You may not use or export or re-export any Content or any copy\r\n or adaptation of such Content, or any product or service offered\r\n on the Site, in violation of any applicable laws or regulations,\r\n including without limitation United States export laws and\r\n regulations.\r\n
\r\n\r\n If any of the provisions of these Terms are held by a court or\r\n other tribunal of competent jurisdiction to be void or\r\n unenforceable, such provisions shall be limited or eliminated to\r\n the minimum extent necessary and replaced with a valid provision\r\n that best embodies the intent of these Terms, so that these Term\r\n shall remain in full force and effect.\r\n
\r\n\r\n These Terms constitute the entire agreement between you and{' '}\r\n {siteConfig.brand + ' '}\r\n with regard to your use of the Site, and any and all other\r\n written or oral agreements or understandings previously existing\r\n between you and {siteConfig.brand} with respect to such use are\r\n hereby superseded and cancelled.\r\n
\r\n\r\n {siteConfig.brand}’s failure to insist on or enforce\r\n strict performance of these Terms shall not be construed as a\r\n waiver by {siteConfig.brand} of any provision or any right it\r\n has to enforce these Terms, nor shall any course of conduct\r\n between {siteConfig.brand} and you or any other party be deemed\r\n to modify any provision of these Terms. These Terms shall not be\r\n interpreted or construed to confer any rights or remedies on any\r\n third parties.\r\n
\r\n\r\n Click here to{' '}\r\n \r\n Contact Us\r\n {' '}\r\n if you have any questions or concerns regarding these Terms.\r\n